Metaverse in Tourism: The Next Big Leap?

12. 7. 2024

In an era where technology continuously reshapes our interactions with the world, the concept of the Metaverse has emerged as a groundbreaking frontier. The Metaverse is a collaborative virtual shared place that combines blockchain technology, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) to create immersive and interactive environments. The COVID-19 epidemic has presented previously uncommon challenges for the traditional tourism industry, which is mostly dependent on physical travel. These difficulties have sped up the search for creative ways to maintain and improve travel experiences. Introducing the Metaverse: an online environment with countless opportunities for virtual travel experiences that can either enhance or, in certain situations, replace actual travel.

The present study explores how the Metaverse might transform the travel and tourism sector by offering an exciting and easily available alternative to traditional travel that nevertheless captures the spirit of exploration, adventure, and cross-cultural interaction. This digital shift can enhance accessibility, allowing people from all walks of life to experience global destinations. Furthermore, it opens new avenues for interactive and personalized travel experiences that can be tailored to individual preferences and interests.

Arctur has been actively involved in developing solutions that harness the power of this digital realm. At the COP27 conference held in November 2022, Slovenia showcased its collaboration with Arctur and other partners through the MetaCOP27 platform. This innovative Metaverse platform was used to organize events and present groundbreaking projects aimed at a sustainable future.

Tourism 4.0 aims to integrate advanced technologies to enhance the travel experience, making it more personalized, engaging, and sustainable. Arctur's involvement in MetaCOP27 highlighted its commitment to leveraging the metaverse to create virtual tourism experiences that complement or substitute physical travel.

Virtual tourism can significantly reduce the carbon footprint associated with travel. By offering virtual alternatives, there is less need for physical transportation, which contributes to lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, with the help of metaverse in tourism, it will minimize the environmental impact on popular tourist destinations by reducing the wear and tear caused by high visitor volumes. The move toward virtual experiences is in favor of keeping cultural and ecological landmarks intact for upcoming generations.

Tourism 4.0 has participated in projects that help tourism in the aspect of digitalization of tourism like 3D scanning, modeling, animation, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) to enhance the interaction between tourists and cultural heritage. The Metaverse can make tourism accessible to those facing physical, financial, or geographical barriers. People with disabilities, limited budgets, or living in remote areas can still experience global travel through virtual means.

The Metaverse is poised to become the next big leap in tourism, offering virtual experiences that complement or even substitute traditional travel. Tourism 4.0 pioneering efforts demonstrate the immense potential of this technology to transform the tourism landscape. By continuing to innovate and collaborate with other entities, Tourism 4.0 is helping to pave the way for a future where virtual tourism is an integral part of our global travel experience. This paradigm shift towards virtual tourism can be seen as a natural evolution in the digital age, where the boundaries between physical and virtual worlds are increasingly blurred. As virtual tourism technology matures, it is expected to provide practical benefits and enhance global cultural understanding, fostering a more interconnected and empathetic world community.